5 digital marketing strategies for your virtual event - Meetmaps Blog

Whether or not an event is a success depends on many factors. One of the most important things that we cannot lose sight of is publicity.

To achieve good results of the event it is essential that within the planning there is a well-designed marketing strategy so that as many people as possible know about the event we are organizing.



Characteristics of event marketing


To make a good advertisement for an event, we must not lose sight of its three pillars, entertainment, excitement and drive

The advertising strategies to be used must be entertaining and exciting for the attendees, and thus meet their expectations. As for the thrust, it is nothing more or less than a call to action to get the interaction of the receiver of the advertising message, a basic element in digital marketing.

To achieve success with an event, everything must be planned in detail, and this includes advertising. To do this, we must be very clear about the audience we are going to target and design a campaign that is in line with both the event and the profile of the attendees.

On the other hand, we cannot forget to give a good visibility to the brand, whether it is the organizer of the event or even a sponsor.

Let’s see below five digital marketing tools that can be helpful when promoting an event.


Creating a landing page


With this term we refer to landing pages. These are websites that can have their own entity or even be embedded within the website of the event organizer.

The landing page is a space entirely dedicated to the event. The visitor reaches it through an advertisement or a banner he has seen on another website and can quickly find out about the event.

The peculiarity of a landing page is that it must be able to capture the attention in just a few seconds and get an action from the visitor.

It is not the place to develop in detail what the event will consist of, but it is a good first contact with possible interested parties.


Social media campaign


Social media is a good advertising tool if used wisely and in moderation. You can advertise an event, but it is not advisable to bombard it with too much information.

If you have enough time, you can create a whole strategy around the event, so that information about it is given little by little and in a less commercial way, using techniques such as inbound marketing.

For example, if we are organizing an event aimed at entrepreneurs, we can create and share content talking about what it takes to become an entrepreneur, entrepreneurship ideas and other related topics. And, from time to time, combine this high-value information with direct advertising of the event.

This is proven to be much more effective than launching ad after ad about the same thing.


Email marketing


This is one of the classic digital marketing tools and it is still one of the most effective. It is about creating a newsletter that is eye-catching and easy to read, so that it incites the recipients of the communication to want to know more about the event.

If you have a good database you can make an email marketing campaign very segmented and have more chances of success.


Streaming of the event


It is important to promote the event a few days before, but the advertising work does not end here. Streaming video shared on social networks is the best way to achieve diffusion during the event.

Through Meetmaps you can create a virtual event that allows you to broadcast a conference, lecture, presentation, meeting or training in streaming. It is the solution to maintain communication with your customers, employees or community remotely.

Of course, it is important to have a quality recording team and professionals who are able to upload the videos and manage everything related to them.




A technique that is increasingly used. Choose a professional who has relevance in a sector related to your event and reach an agreement with him to talk about the activity you are organizing.

It is a simple way to immediately reach thousands of people who meet the profile to be interested in the event.

Julius Solaris would be an example, having been named one of the 25 most influential people in the meetings industry by Successful Meetings magazine. He is the founder of Event Innovation Lab, an immersive training program for high-growth event teams.


A good online campaign is the basis for success


Nowadays online advertising has much more diffusion than offline. In fact, channels such as websites, blogs or social networks allow us to reach much more directly to those who meet the profile of people interested in the event, which saves time and money.

Planning well the digital marketing strategy of your event will contribute significantly to its success. But remember, it must be comprehensive advertising. This implies that you must publicize your event before the event, during its execution and also after. So that those who have not attended can see what they have missed and feel more encouraged to participate in the next one.

Any of these five tools that we have recommended are valid for the marketing strategy of your event if you use them well and adapt them to each specific case. But there are others that are also very useful, such as creating an event app through Meetmaps, working on SEO or running an SEM campaign.

It can also be a very good idea to combine digital advertising with offline advertising. Don’t forget that there are certain profiles that may be interested in your event but for one reason or another don’t usually use social networks, read blogs, etc. Your goal is to cover all fronts to make attendance a success.


Get good results from your event


Finally, don’t forget to monitor the results obtained in each of your digital campaigns. This will help you to know your audience better and to define guidelines on what works and what doesn’t in each type of event.

Online marketing has a countless number of advantages, take advantage of them and make the most of it when organizing events.

Contact us to learn more!


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